For the first time, a mobile identity credential
can be trusted as the foundation for secure
transactions in mobile apps.
Higher security
Existing security models are vulnerable to Phishing,
Vishing, SIM Swap and Account Takeover. Our mobile
possession-factor solution eliminates them all. We
are mobile trust experts.
More customers
No more PIN codes, passwords, or waiting for SMS to
verify a mobile identity. It means less customer drop
off because there’s no compromise between security
and user experience.
Lower costs
Legacy identity and authentication approaches
impose high costs on your business – not just fraud
losses but operational inefficiency and brand
damage. Our technology is built differently.
Right mobile identity
A valid and correct mobile
Right credential
The correct SIM card, matching
the mobile number
Right mobile device
A real mobile network-
connected device, not a bot farm
Instant, invisible identity
verification using the mobile
number, SIM card and mobile
device – it’s more secure, simple
and scalable than any other form
of digital identity verification.
World-class patent-pending
technology, working to solve
multiple business problems
Fixing mobile fraud
Authenticating users
Make it easy for users to access and use
your app securely
Eliminating SMS OTP
SMS – good for communication, bad for
security, UX and operating costs
Device binding
Addressing the identity weakness of the
mobile internet
Low friction user onboarding
Stop the customer drop-offs with a safer,
simpler and smoother experience